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Another month, another generous heaping of titflesh (and other assorted appendages)!

So this month we've started something I hope you've all found fun so far, which is Sadie's ongoing transformation. On the creator's end, I'm pretty stoked about it, since it really feels like an evolution of an excercise I did way back in deviantArt a few years back with Becky :)

It's definitely been an involved process, and in a way the bit of suspense when it comes to what will happen to Sadie next has definitely been a plus, I think. It's gotten me writing again on a more consistent level, that's for sure, so I'm hoping you're all enjoying the extra load of words this month.

Storytelling in as of itself has always been a passion of mine, and I hope to kick it up a notch while working with Sadie. Her unique circumstances make for a very exciting chance at delving more into the FabPharma corporation and its inner workings, so it'll let me get you all more acquainted with the odd little company (read: gargantuan evil conglomerate) that has served as the backstory fuel for the artwork I make.

On other things, I messed around with skins further this month. I think they're looking better, but still looking at perfecting procedurals to get those tiny details into every inch of these horny ladies ^^

And once more, a new animation test! Like I mentioned, I don't think it's anything super special, but it's still always exciting to get one of the girls to spring to life outside of just still imagery, even if just for a few seconds :D in the end, animation is an art in as of itself, and I'm quite the novice at it, so hopefully you can bear with me while I continue practicing.

I think I'm going to try to devote at least a few days every month at producing small animations like this one and emi's walk from a few months back, I definitely need the practice. Plus I think a little bit of animated content is always fun, so here's to trying!

Last but certainly not least, first steps into Hitome's Unreal Desires 3. So far it's a lot of setup, specially with Fuki and Suki, but things are bound to get freaky just around the corner!

I think that's about it for the month. We'll continue pricking and prodding poor Sadie in August, and we'll see what else comes up :D

- BD



I think 1000k would be even better