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for all the prologue images, make sure to check out July's Ultrapack!

Looking back over the past year, Suki relished her time spent as one of Hitome's caretalers. With her twin sister Fuki, she had been tasked with overseeing Hitome's explosive developments, and nurture them at every opportunity.

A simple task, really, for trained professionals as they were, but as Suki and Fuki gleefully found out over time, the benefits of their continued exposure to the unwitting subject fed into their own transformation-driven obsessions.

Suki specially has experienced the brunt of such benefits, as it were. While both her and her sister were both ordered to cater to Hitome's ever expanding assets and appetites - and further modified to accomplish just that - Suki was cast as the lead of the two sisters to tend to the ever-growing girl, while Fuki was often extracted to cater to other satellite projects outside of Hitome's sphere.

Looking down at herself, Suki could only grin hungrily as these recollections swam in her mind's eye. Besides feeding her nymphomaniac habits, being constantly drenched in Hitome's secretions had the additional effect of further transforming her femenine physique to new heights. Her increasingly swollen breasts weighed heavily against her chest, their transformed, sexualized insides throbbing hungrily as her thoughts once again turned towards using the sleeping test subject just a few rooms away for her own carnal needs, a sensation that in as of itself triggered a heavy reaction from her loins, almost instantly dampening as they rested snuggled between her thickened thighs and enhanced posterior.

Suki giggled at herself, barely dressed in skimpy lace as she settled onto the couch, her hands absent mindedly stroking at her clit while she laid herself against the cushioned back rest, spreading her legs as she settled in comfortably. Her idle self play bring about further memories of her transformations.

In the past, way before she was even conscripted into the FabPharma corporation, her and Fuki always had had larger than average clitorii. They joked with each other that this slight mutation of their anatomy was wholly at fault for their exacerbated promiscuity, but after being enlisted, they could definitely affirm those bits of their sexual identity would soon define them much, much further.

In preparation for their prolonged quest in servicing this test subject, Suki and Fuki themselves had gleefully become labrats themselves, as the scientific heads of FabPharma refined and perfected strains of Nereidyl that enlarged and transformed their clits into massively engorged organs that would dwarf most if not every male specimen they had been compared against during their own past trials.

Much to their chagrin, however, their penchant for exhibitionism and courting of the obscene would be tightly restricted by the corporation that enlisted them. Much like the carrot to a donkey, the promise of continued transformation and enhancement kept being dangled in front of the twins, for the Nereidyl compounds were short on life span, and effects would revert overnight without continued dosage.

Coming back to the present, Suki shrugged off the annoyances of being manipulated by her own desires, for she was wholly content in her current role. Laying on the couch, she reached for one of the Nereidyl-laden syringes she had brought along with her from storage, a part of their nigh-endless supply of transformatives the corporation had bestowed upon them for use during their time as Hitome's caretakers and stimulators.

She welcome the sting of the needle as she inserted it into her clit, the following rush of the Nereidyl compounds coldly entering into her flesh sending her tingling cunt into overdrive as she fingered and rubbed herself to the point normal women would've been raw, her lust going into overdrive as her clit swelled and swelled into the familiar, hyper inflated mass of flesh she welcomed once more into existence.

"Sheesh, again? We just milked Hitome half an hour ago and you're already gearing up for the second round?" a very familiar voice remarked teasingly.

Suki looked up from herself to see Fuki at the end of the room, half frowning and smiling at her knowingly in mock annoyance, "So? I'm extra horny today," Suki remarked matter of factly, smiling cattily back at her sister, leaning forward to pick up another syringe, "Come on, you want to join me in waking up our 'little' subject?"

Fuki chuckled. Dressed in not much else than a simple apron, her disrobing was fast and without complication, "Well, if you 'insist'... I wasn't really planning on doing anything else for the next few hours..." she winked at Suki, "Might as well spend that time in fucking Hitome's brains out, right?"

Suki saunted over to Fuki, kneeling in front of her as her sister spread her legs, angling up herself against the wall, "That's the spirit," she purred as she injected her.

Fuki gasped loudly. The Nereidyl's effect seemed to overtake her rapidly as her clit swelled up, "Gosh, I swear I'll never get used to this," she laughed, "Not that I mind though. I mean, remember when we just oggled at hentai together and fantasized about futas?"

Suki giggled as she stood up, giving fuki's overswollen clit a soft, teasing smack, "Uh huh," she said simply, "Come on, let's get going."


A minute or so later, the Nereidyl-frenzied duo had already made their way to Hitome's bedroom, where she was sleeping soundly.

"Awe, she's so cute when she's sleeping, isn't she?" Fuki whispered, stifling a giggle, "I just love how she cradles her huge tits like pillows when she's passed out like that!"

Suki smirked, giving Fuki a knowing glance before quietly sneaking over behind Hitome's sleeping form, crawling unto her bed. The extra weight of another body on the mattress made Hitome stir slightly, her position shifting as she turned toward Suki slightly, the simple turn of he back shifting her massive titflesh to roll and wobble on top of her, "Humm..." she mumbled, sleepily.

"Time for a rude awakening," Suki whispered impishly, raising her hand gripping a Nereidyl syringe before stabbing down into Hitome's left tit, "WAKEY WAKEY, sweety!" she exclaimed, emptying the syringe into her.

Hitome started, her eyes flying open. A gasp catching in her throat as she suddenly felt the syringe and the tingling rush of fluid almost instantly getting her flesh throbbing, her heart racing, her sleepy mind running.

She would've screamed in surprise, but only a moan escaped her lips as her pupils dilated in ecstasy.

So it begins again...




Unreal desires is definitely one of your best ongoing sets!

Dirk Gently

so looking forward to where this goes -- big, bigger, biggerest, biggerestest!

XLModel Scout

Hitomi's chest is just wonderful. Amazing, how soft and real it looks! You're a real artist and it's worth so keep pledging you and your great work!


waiting for her to get bigger and bigger