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Pick one option below!

Just to recap:

- Sadie currently has 2/2 exertion points available

- One Medical procedure is available for this month

- 2 Nereidyl Standard Doses are available for application

- This first poll ends July 7th, so make sure to get your vote in!

If you need a refresher on what exactly each option offers, please check the July transformation briefing here

Another thing of note is it seems Patreon has a poll options cap, so not all options made it onto the poll. If you don't see an option listed that you wanted from the transformation briefing, just pick the "Nereidyl other options" one, and I'll create a new poll for the remaining ones if it's clear one of them could be popular enough to be picked.

Good luck, and have fun!

- bd



I'm kind of leaning towards constitution, but there are so many great options. Kudo BD on the poll ideas, it's really tough to choose XD.


It is stronger than us! :'(


We've got this stats game figured out. I mean, if we get more constitution, that means more exertion. More exertion means we can get more Nereidyl / Medical Interventions every month. I think of it like an RPG, you gotta grind some levels, to get bigger Loot. You know it makes sense ppl =D


While some of the options offer instant--or closer to instant--gratification. I think it's worth keeping the long term game in mind. And for that reason, I completely agree that constitution is a prudent choice. More constitution sooner allows more extreme cumulative changes going forward!


I'm with you in your thinking. Also she'll need some muscles or she will be immobile.


Great ideas for the poll, but there is one major flaw...we only get one vote and have to choose one attribute. There should be multiple polls so we could all have a say on her breast size, her body weight, her psychology ect.


This is the first poll. At Sadie's current exertion capacity, 2 changes can be done every month.


True. Though in the bd universe (doll-verse?balloon-iverse?) Jessica can still poll dance with tits the size of a small couch, so chances are Sadie is good for a bit :) (Not a criticism, like it that way lol). Immobile from big breasts is a popular fetish though.


One thing to keep in mind is that previous uses of Nereidyl were of a less refined and much more volatile variety, so a myriad of side effects have been inflicted on the girls with each dosing which are absent from the more refined and market oriented varieties which will now be used on Sadie for this stage of the trials, story-wise. Following this concept, my idea for Sadie is to have each change weigh heavily upon her (pun intended) as the story develops, to give this little project a lot more character. Of course, if things start to lean more towards tedious than fun, adjustments will be made along the way to counter that :)


Hmmm, what would happen if you use the expansible implants and fill em with Nereidyl? @_@ Forget it, I was thinking loud haha.


Antoine there will be a second transformation poll, later in the month, but with the surgical options gone, assuming a surgery option wins this poll.


So the idea is to really expand slowly through the episodes, with less collateral effects. I think I understood your thinking.


@ Leslael: you'd get the FabPharma Timed Release Nereidyl Breast Implants 2.0 ;) and for your second comment, a safe approach is definitely one way to move forward with experimentation, doesn't mean it's the only way, however ^^


Man now i'm curious as hell to see what will happen with our poor (or lucky 👿) Sadie.


For more info, please refer to my previous post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sadies-briefing-12005370">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sadies-briefing-12005370</a>


So only the option with the most votes will be chosen in the first poll then a second option will be picked on the second poll?


At this stage, yes. Over time, as Sadie gains more constitution, she will gain more exertion points and more option polls will become available for crowdsourced picks.


So if a medical procedure comes out of this poll then the next poll will be nereidyl doses only. Will there be a third poll for the second dose available ?


TL;DR: There will be a 3rd poll for the remaining Nereidyl if the constitution Nereidyl procedure wins a poll. The slightly longer answer... Each procedure, Nereidyl or Medical/Surgery, costs one exertion point. At the start Sadie is weak and has 2 exertion points per month. If Sadie had 3 exertion points we could use all available Nereidyl and surgery. This is why I think we should get constitution in either this poll or the next so that nothing is "wasted". (unused procedures don't "carry over" to the next month) Check out this post for all the details <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sadies-briefing-12005370">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sadies-briefing-12005370</a>


Just thinking out loud, but I'd like to offer a hypothesis that future upgrade paths might even require two or more points of exertion to choose. I don't believe this possibility has been discussed. We don't know entirely how this will play out, but constitution could also avoid missed opportunities. And missing opportunities would be unfortunate. Edit: We also don't know what advanced stages of constitution unlock. It might be even more points of exertion which would make investing in constitution provide exponential rather than linear benefit in the future


That is something I hadn't even considered. I'm not really a fan of surprises, so if there would be a procedure in the future that would cost multiple exertion points, I think it should be labelled. Sure look it, it's still early days yet. We may have lost this battle, but the war for hearts and minds still rages on!


Gotta vote for constitition in the next poll for sure.