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2 x Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility 10 cm radius.
Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility 30 cm radius.

The Nekomancer making a triple cast of a nifty little spell for making non-living matter invisible and insubstantial.




Missing the Nekomancer tag. ;) Kind of an interesting variant. Lets the poor girl keep warm while still robbing her of her modesty. Plus she can still cover herself with her hands, if she really wants to! Now I'm picturing the poor girl in her bedroom with a pile of clothes, trying one thing on after another, trying to cheat the system. Maybe sitting down next to the pile only for it to have a huge chunk vanish, or her bed / floor vanishing because she sat down. Maybe the downstairs neighbor is peeking up in amazement? Or her getting too close to someone else and the 30cm radius causing exposure to the next person over. Like, a decidedly less modest friend going in for a hug and "oops, teehee," or her sitting / standing next to someone on a bus / in line someplace who is annoyed at the side of their hips being exposed. "Oops, sorry, can't uh, help it." And of course, the social distancing version -- Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility, 2 meters. Everyone has to stay back for COVID, or be nekkid! (Except for that particular girl, she's always nekkid.)


Some good scenes there. Thanks. The Nekomancer will surely find a way to deal with the hand covering problem. Nekomancer tag added.


A variant of this: The Nekomancer's Attention Getting Piercings of Anti-Prudishness. Once applied, they can never be removed. They come in a set of three; two nipple piercings and one clitoris piercing. They're small, kitty shaped/themed gemstone affairs, but are very (magically) eye catching. Once per day, they cast a small Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility, 1cm (3cm for the clitoris piercing) field upon themselves, themselves excluded. If there is an existing field, it instead increases in size, permanently, by the same amount, stopping once the wearer is entirely covered in the field. The larger the field, the more the gemstones glow and draw attention to themselves. If the wearer has intentionally and deliberately shown her piercings off to another person that day, the field will not expand any further. However, showing them off to the same person, someone used to seeing them, or someone who has been forewarned, does not work: Unless there is an emotional reaction by the viewer (shock / arousal / anger), it does not count, nor does people incidentally seeing them. Showing them to random strangers is the most effective and intended way to trigger this. All three must be seen in the same day, not necessarily by the same person, to work. If the wearer has an orgasm, the field will instead shrink by 1cm/3cm once per day, to a minimum of 0cm (deactivated). However, only "interesting" orgasms count for this; "safe" orgasms such as one inside the shower or safely in the bedroom will not work. Examples of "interesting" orgasms include masturbating while naked outside, having a one night stand with a stranger, or engaging in some kinky BDSM play. A method of orgasm only works one day in a row, the wearer cannot repeatedly masturbate in her yard to reduce her field, only once every other day works. The piercings can tell when they are being viewed, and when they are they transmit a buzz of pleasure to the attached body part. This is stronger the more emotional the reaction the viewer has. Arousal, amusement, shock, outrage, all increase the buzz. Orgasming from being looked at in this way does not count as an "interesting" orgasm; however it may be (is) addictive and may (does) cause exhibitionist conditioning.

Michele Castelnovi

Nekomancer costume looks better than Batman suite!


Nya nya nya nya na na na nya CAT GIRL With apologies to Adam West's 1960s Batman.


(Swapped these silly ideas over to the wiki, where there's more room to type. ;) )