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As to the note Sean wrote... here it is in its entirety:

Dearest Missy, Dearest Lovey,

This is the most difficult letter of my life. Fitting somehow, since it's also my last. How do I say everything I could have said, should have said in my life? The sad reality is that I can't. So, in the end, all I can offer is these few final words.

I'm sorry. There. 'Tis been said. I wronged you both, and for that I take the deepest of regrets to my grave. I was never a father to my children, and for that I'll face the judgement of God Almighty in short order. If you can, in time, find it in your hearts to offer my memory some measure of charity, I will be eternally grateful. And Missy, if you can share memories of a better person in better times that would help. In the end, I have failed you, and for that there is a price, one that I will pay momentarily.

I understand that words alone can offer ill comfort for all the harm I've occasioned. So, I offer this. I've left my humble estate, such as it is, for you to manage for the children. It's all I have, but I leave it gladly to them, a final gift from their father, who offered them precious little in life.

It's time now, I have an appointment to keep that I shant delay or postpone.

Do not cry for me

Or speak my name in sadness

But laugh,

And speak of me as if I were still here.

I loved you so,

Twas Heaven here with you.

Love Always,






...seriously, why ya gotta do this to us viewers?


Oh no he’s really going to do it

David Ewell

Seriously dark.


So the last few chapters have been "Wedding", "Honeymoon", "Honeymoon", "Birth", "Sean's Back... And he's dead." Quite the mood whiplash there.

Ceera Brandt

Honestly, I'm praying the constable finds him before it is too late. But if he does, his fate might be no better. Done wrong, but often for the right reasons. You live, and die, by the consequences of your choices in life. And his had never been easy choices. I can but offer the old Irish blessing - "May ye rest in Heaven an hour afore the Devil knows ye are dead."

Gray Muzzle

The effect on loved ones when something like this happens is devastating. I've had the worst duty of my professional life- informing a father that his son killed himself. Awful.

Seth T

I choked up a little bit. Part of me wishes someone caught him in time. He was a clown but this is an awful way to go.