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Seth T

I mean, you need wheels, it's either that or an ambulance which is $$$$!


That, or a taxi which would cost more/less than the ambulance (probably as the driver doesn't want to have a baby born in their car - but then again there might NO taxi service would serve them at that moment) or wait for Tina to collect you, which might take time, but be priceless...


This certainly makes me wonder how fast labor progresses for the people in this comic... Georgette in the second panel looks like she's about to enter the 2nd stage...

Gray Muzzle

There's no rule. My son was 2 hours, from first contraction to being born My daughter on the other hand was bashful. Labor went on for 24 hours before they went in to get her.


There's no need to be THAT fussy, Georgette. After all, in the Discovery Channel's documentary of 2012 'Body Story' episode "Body Snatchers", the A Plot covered pregnancy, and the parents-to-be had just finished painting their baby's room, only for the mother to go into labor and they rushed to hospital still in their paint-smeared overalls and splattered in paint themselves....