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Guess you could consider it a 'college experiment' kind of moment.

Tristan Black Wolf

"Isn't that the way they say it goes...?" --Jim Croche

Seth T

Heh well definitely K.C. is open to share. By the way in story did we ever learn what K.C. stands for?


Hehe well sounds like she had a wild time ay college

Gray Muzzle

Well, it was always presumed that perhaps her name was "Casey" or maybe Cassie". Anyway, I don't think it was ever stated as fact. Everyone just calls her by the initials. Maybe it's something really off the wall , Like Katherina Clementine"


My brother mostly uses it because his first name is the same as my dad's and that was already subverted by calling him by a shortening of his middle name, which the first initial of that and last name is what forms his name of common regard beyond official stuff, AC