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Glenn Sellers

Whew! When I first read her comment about her size, I thought anorexia was starting to rear its ugly head. I know "that time" isn't fun for women but, I guess it's better than anorexia.


In my opinion, after reading this page, the greater case scenario is that KC's pregnant, only she doesn't realise it yet... And the worst case might be like "American Dad!"'s Season 2 episode 'The American Dad After School Special' when Stan was deluded by Z-Mann into vigorously continuous exercise and dieting, thinking he was failing his training exams and obstacle courses because he was overweight, and no matter how hard he tried he kept gaining weight, and that the family was scheming against him to put ON weight, on account his treatment of Steve's latest girlfriend - when in reality he was anorexic and had OVERDONE his dieting and exercise so much that he'd become UNDERWEIGHT, delusional and paranoid.... Let's hope that the latter doesn't happen to KC...

Seth T

Aw I hope she gets to relax!