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Thanks for joining the stream! This has been the most people to join, so I may make 12pmish Vancouver time the default time going forward.



Manuel Alvarado

I'm surprised that Violet took Nikki's thong panties off.


I can see one of two ways of this ending; 1. Upon arrival at France*, Kaj lets Violet marry Nikki, treating it like a Mormon family, since many Mormon families tend to have more than one wife/husband in the family, and being a Mormon might be a good legal loophole for bigamy. (* = Works better with tropical island location like Hawaii, Jamaica or the Caribbean Islands, but the ship's bound for Europe, so it'll have to make do - plus, I'm not sure whether or not Great Britain would allow that on their shores) 2. Kaj & Violet go Japanese and adopt Nikki into their family, as it's a trait that many Japanese families tend to adopt adults into their families, without the necessity of a marriage ceremony. How does those sound to anybody?

Seth T

Interesting. I do like the adopting Nikki into the family thing since that's definitely a lot more legally defensible. Hopefully they can have some Skype or something to keep in video chat contact since NIkki would be at sea so much.