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I swear - Zenia's art just keeps getting better and better - and sexier! Great job from both of you!

Gray Muzzle

The only Collie in 'Tina', but she's a knockout.

Manuel Alvarado

Can't wait to see what's next in chapter 93.

David Ewell

This one is adorbs.


The devil made us hide! 😂

Ceera Brandt

Dawwww! She curled up with him on his couch. So adorable!


Why do I get the feeling Tina's reaction in Panel 2 is a bit performative?


Like uncle, like nephew. Family history repeats itself... Wonder if the next chapter will cover the end of Georgette's pregnancy? If so, might we be getting a parody of the Nativity perhaps?

Gray Muzzle

Indeed it does, Tina! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=love+survives+all+dogs+go+to+heaven&view=detail&mid=91BB6253ED6CA014290391BB6253ED6CA0142903&FORM=VIRE