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Barely married and they already look/act like an old couple, extremely adorable!


Hehe okay you two get a room that’s not a bathroom

Seth T

Hahahah well, I can understand!

Manuel Alvarado

I'm willing to think Violet decided to mark her territory on her cousin Tina's estate perimeter.

Ceera Brandt

This is a feeling that can totally be empathized with by any woman who has gone out for an evening in an elaborate gown, or by fursuiters or cosplayers of any gender, whose elaborate outfits often make it impossible to use a toilet without almost completely undressing! But Koji is also getting a crash course in the reality that when you are married, some of society’s strictest taboos get thrown out the window when alone with your mate and necessity strikes. The level of trust and mutual respect that should be a core part of a good marriage should also enable you to ask things of your mate that you would rarely ask anyone else to assist you with. And the realization that such a level of trust exists between you can be one heck of a strong turn on!

Glenn Sellers

When I first looked at the second panel, I wasn't absolutely certain what was going on. I had read the first panel but, because of Violet's white fur and the white dress, I thought that her fur had fluffed out after removing the dress. Oh, and could someone explain something to me? All my life, I've heard the phrase, "I've gotta pee like a racehorse." Does a racehorse really have to pee worse than anyone else does? LOL

Ceera Brandt

I think that is because, for a lot of people, when that phrase was coined, seeing a horse piss at a race track was likely the first and only time they ever witnessed any large creature dumping a full bladder. And a horse certainly has a much larger bladder than a human. The volume would be amazing. So it makes a great analogy for, “my bladder is unbelievably full!”

Glenn Sellers

Well, believe me, I've heard a horse relieving its bladder and the urine hitting the ground makes a god-awful racket. Fortunately, I was far enough away that I didn't have to worry about getting any on me. LOL.


Wonder if this gag was inspired by the Hitcher from "The Mighty Boosh", as he had the force of a powerful horse...?


I guess you never know what'll flip your switch until you see it.


wondering what chapter is this story