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Venti Mocha

I'm pretty sure she noticed. Might be more firsts than a kiss.

Gray Muzzle

Not a bad way to pass time at a boring adult party......

Seth T

OMG the tail wrap around the leg that's so friggin' cute! Ohhhh wow and she's a great kisser too!

Seth T

Yeah really! Oh my goodness I hope we see more of her in the future! Please tell me this won't be the last time we see Jenny!


No fair using the tail!

Ceera Brandt

I know, right! And the tail contact is a good, somewhat subtle way to let him know she noticed, and does not mind, his arousal.


Now playing the parts of Marcy and Francis... #TheRightGeekWillGetIt


Something tells me she DID notice it...(!)

Ceera Brandt

Have we established which family she is from? I can’t seem to find a mention of that, even in the comments so far. She’s adorable, and his reactions are so spot on for an inexperienced young boy.


This is her first appearance so afaik she has no backstory. At least currently.

Ceera Brandt

Ok, I was just wondering. I mean, she wouldn’t just be crashing the party, right? (Well I suppose she could marginally be a neighbor girl who just snuck in, but not likely.) So she has to be connected in some way to one of the families in the wedding. Just wondered who.

Gray Muzzle

She is the child of certain characters that were written out because, well, we have a stalker.