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Thanks for showing up to the stream! Looks like the new internet is doing its job! I stayed in the green the whole time and didn't drop a single frame! Unlike before...




For a moment I thought she was shivering cuz of to much 'personal' time with Tina's dad. XD

Manuel Alvarado

It wouldn't surprise me if Tina felt her unborn sibling bounce around inside her mother Georgette.


I wasn't on the stream, so I don't know how many people made the obvious jokes, e.g. checking out the dress, her checkered past behind her, or sexist jokes like wanting to play checkers on that board, or... I'll just say, Tina, ain't many who can make b/w checks work!

Ceera Brandt

That moment when you realize your next litter of children will be aunts and uncles to your daughter’s kids, as soon as they are born…


Thanks, Ceera. I was wondering by Gerogette seemed to resent Tina's comment. Still, I'm surprised Georgette never made that comment to either Roxanne or Nina...and this could be her karma/payback. (I still want to know how those two are doing and if their babies are okay)

Seth T

Heh...ouch...I didn't expect Georgette to be annoyed but it is what it is I guess! Cute skirt on Tina!