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Seth T

Going well so far, she's holding up.

Gray Muzzle

I think Lydia is finding her inner Gayness. For a long time, I questioned whether the character Lydia was truly Gay, or if she was just drawn to Colleen out of need, or boredom or emptiness. I think that this is the answer. Now the question becomes where Colleen really stands. Up until the marriage, Colleen was a straight woman, abet one who would get drunk, and fall into bedv with women. Like Lydia, I've wondered what Colleen's sexuality is; is she Gay, or just so damaged by her destructive relationships with me that she chooses to partner with a woman. Remember that theirs is at least a partially 'open' relationship, and the 'open' part seems tp always involve men. So, it's complex. Looking forward to seeing how Colleen wiggles her way out of this one.


There is something missing in the Colleen story arch that I'd like to know more about. What happened to her ex and the boys? I seem to recall she had two children by him before she left them. Do they just not want anything to do with her? Does she have any emotions about that? Personally I'd be crushed that my own children didn't want anything to do with me anymore.