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Seth T

Awww this is really heartwrenching.


You never know what effect you might have on someone. The tradition of setting an extra place at the table for "the stranger" who might pass by, in need of a meal... this is the grand metaphor for keeping a place in your heart that is open to what someone, a stranger to you, might need. The simplest kindness can make the greatest difference.


Quick question: Are these uploaded pages of the Mule Babysitter Chapter 87 or is that a different story all together? It'll just help for me to keep things in line with the stories...


This part of the story is currently chapter 88 of the comic. Although, the number may be off from the original text story as we've removed and added chapters along the way. Once this chapter is over, the individual pages will be taken down and replaced with a mass upload of all the pages in the chapter in one post. :)


Thanks for straitening that out. (Incidentally, do you mean 'Chapter 87' and not '88'?)