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Hello friends!

I'm excited to announce that we are choosing May, June and July themes! Instead of individual miniatures, as I mentioned a couple of times in the last posts, we're trying out something new (old for older patrons). Poll will remain open until July.

That is, we are going to choose a theme instead of individual suggestions. The most voted theme will become May theme and so on. From then on, you can request any miniature you want on Discord (or in the comments), and if it fits the criteria of the theme, I'll be more than happy to work on it! Here are the themes that you have suggested plus some more that I thought would be cool to work on as well:

Below this post, you can find the poll so you can vote for your favorite theme. Feel free to suggest specific miniatures from the selected theme in the comments or on Discord anytime, even before it gets choosen. I'll be looking forward to it!

Thanks for your support!


Jacob - Roleplaying & Miniatures


Joseph Plissken

Problem with voting by theme is that it could end in always the same theme for example medieval one. It would be better to get the votes and them launch all the voted themes in order of most voted to less voted . But at least that way we are sure to not become monothemathic

Nathaniel W.

I would be fine with top 3 becoming the theme for next couple of months.