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Hey guys! Here's the poll with your requests!

The top voted ones will be the miniatures that I'll be releasing for January. I'll work on the most amount of miniatures I can.

Two of the miniatures listed have also a theme around them. Those are the swarm of rats (Swarms theme) and the magma golem (Fire creatures). 

I've added these two themes to the list of themes. You will be able to vote for them on March if we decide to go back to the theme voting system by then. I'll keep the voting system as it as until February. Just because of the amount of engagement and feedback I've received from you on these new idea. By then we will have a taste of both systems and should be able to decide on what to do next.

I've yet to think about on how to work on these two themes in the event that we decide to continue with the miniature request system. 

One thing is for sure, if these themes is something you are interested in you should know that it's going to happened one way or another! Maybe it could be done as a reward or a goal. I don't know, let me know what you think on the comments or if you have an idea of how would you do it!

 For now let's just vote for the miniatures you are more excited about and that will be forming the January set! Let's go for it!

Jacob - Roleplaying Miniatures

Options references:

Pegasus unicorn    Armoured griffon   Undead horse   Dark fairy   Cobra hydra   Hag 

Vampire abomination   Ent knight   Warforged beholder (There's no reference for this one but you get the idea)  Baby beholder 

Victor from CR   Batman orc laughing (But laughing)   Rat swarm   Chupacabra 

Jabberwocky   Catoblepas   Magma golem   Female ogre 


Nathaniel W.

I can see the benefits of themes, but also enjoy the freedom of random figures being made. What I like best for each month is 1-2 heroes, a selection of monsters and then scenery/bases to compliment those minis. Scenery examples Like magma golem totally would need rock outcropping with magma flow lines or chupacabra with fleeing goats/ dead goats


Facts! I'll try to add some little extra scenary complements for some of the miniatures. I'm very much agreed with what you said. I'll give it a think and probably end up asking you via voting on what you all prefer. Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciate it!


I just ran a game last session that had a 5-headed hydra, with cobra heads. *sigh* Still voted for it. :)


Personally I would really like to see some trash mobs. I love the cool themed stuff, and super elaborate monsters, but my players kill way more kobolds, spiders, goblins, orcs, etc. Not every fight is a boss battle.


female ogre!!!


and whatever the Frankenstein monster in the pix below