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Oh boy....



Jordan Wesley

Wonder who is gonna cover the repair bill for all the property damage 😏


It's an exhausting wait.. we want the one who brings a ping pong ball..


Hey there H, I feel you, waiting can be a bit of a drag sometimes. And I gotta say, the ping pong ball reference went over my head. Can you drop me a hint about what that's all about?


I am referring to the balls used for table tennis


Hey H i got it now, I completely understand that the wait can be exhausting, but I want to assure you that I'm currently working on the next pages of the comic. I apologize for making you feel this way, and I appreciate your enthusiasm and support. To address the delay and ensure consistent content delivery, I'm making adjustments to my schedule to allow for more dedicated time to work on Patreon content. I'm actively working towards having everything ready for the next semester, so you can expect more regular updates and exciting content in the near future. Once again, thank you for your understanding, and I'm grateful for your continued support. I'm looking forward to sharing the next pages with you soon!


Loving the extra layer added with the sound effects! Really brings things to life.