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Hey everyone!

First of all, I want to extend my deepest gratitude for all the support and encouraging words you've sent my way throughout the week. Your kindness means the world to me.

Now, I wanted to give you a heads-up regarding a slight delay for Super N0x this week. The reason for this is that I'm currently finalizing the new Megan character model for the climactic final scenes of Chapter 6. I've been working over the weekend to create the necessary morphs and corrections, ensuring that the muscular flexing and various poses won't cause any issues with the sculpture I've crafted. It's a polishing process that requires time and attention, but the good news is that it'll be reusable in multiple projects going forward.

This sculpture is my way of expressing my commitment to continuous improvement and maintaining the highest quality in all of my projects. I truly appreciate your understanding and support in this journey.

And just to clarify, this is not an April Fool's joke!

Again, thank you for your understanding and continued support. I'm excited to share the finalized version of Megan and the rest of Super N0x with you all soon!



Aisha Greyrat

Usually a good place to stop with growth is around 8-9 feet tall. Personally I find it less attractive once the growth goes into Mega Giantess territory since sex scenes become either awkward or impossible. I hope Megan's growth tapers off after the next few growth spurts.


This image is so impressive for me. XD

Matteo Remelli

I agree with Alex. Mini-giantess are the best for me. Her maximum height? well I personally say a bit more:11-12 feet. (330-360cm) I like also the mid-giantess (for me a mid-giantess is between 20-30 feet) but yes...in this case sex scenes become either awkward or impossible. The perfect final height for Megan is between 6.9'-7.2' (210cm -218cm). In this pic she seem to be already 6.7'tall...more or less (assuming John is 168-170cm tall )


There is no GTS in this comic =D and agree with the sex scenes problems when too big.

Aisha Greyrat

Instead you should introduce more characters to take the serum if you run out of growth spurts for Megan. We know Jonathan has an older sister who has taken the serum. Why don't you introduce a new character, like maybe his younger sister who also steals a vial of serum?


My concern about the muscle growth/mini giantess discussion is that some artists go for an approach that i'm not particullary fond of: at some point in the developing of the models, they simply stop the muscle growth and go full mini giantess (growing only in height, head etc., maintaning the same muscle proportions indefinetly). Few of them, you being one, decide to take the time and develop some real massive models without going to this mini giantess path right away.


I'm with oldtom. There are other characters and models to get big, I want Megan to be a normal height girl with giant muscles


I understand your concern about muscle growth and mini giantess development in the art. It's important to note that not every artist currently works with sculptures, and many rely on existing products in the market for model creation. This can sometimes limit the possibilities of what these artists can do with their models, and the technique of increasing the model's size using scale instead of altering the body is widely used by various artists I've observed over my "40" years in this "universe". I sincerely hope that I can provide something different for you all, as that's what guides me today. The downside of this customization is that it takes more time to create my pieces, while other artists seem to work at a much faster pace.


Hey Jarhead! I apologize if Megan is becoming too tall for your preferences. I promise I'll make an effort to create a normal-height character with giant muscles for you and others who appreciate this style! =D


About this aspect, I don't mind the model getting one or two feet higher than the males; I think being a little higher adds to the "powerfullness" of the model (our pretty Megan, in this case). But being excessively high (or too much in the mini giantess realm) miss the point for me (besides the interaction difficulties concerning sex scenes, as some folks mentioned before).

Matteo Remelli

I see what you mean Jarhead300099, but I want to know what you mean by "normal height". If Megan will continue to expand abnormally...well she can’t stop at 180-185cm. She must become a colossus of 215cm.. which is still a human measure. (the real mini-gianntesse are about 10-11 feet, I said in another post) If you make Megan even bigger and she stays as tall as she is she becomes ridiculous to watch. A comic silhouette.


No, Megan is fine right now, but it gets a little silly when the ladies get up to 7 foot+ like NBA super stars is a bit too tall.


But like I said, she's your character, your art, and you have final say. I'm enjoying the story so far and can't wait to see where you take her :)


Looking forward to what The Haseu is cooking!