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Hi guys, I just want to share that I'm working on Chapter 05.
Be patient; I need to create some characters, environments, and places and customize some stuff.
I will upload more stuff and update this same post when I have more to share.

Since the start is already at the clinic, I can already work on the first pages.

I want to try smaller chapters, like 50–70 pages.
Chapter 05 and maybe Chapter 06 are about strength, so I'll drive it focusing on that.

Also, I'm fighting myself to not make some changes to Megan =D.
Let me know what you think about her right now.




Man, those are the kinds of muscles that would make Lou Ferrigno in his prime jealous.


Megan is certainly a powerhouse! Her muscles are definitely impressive and it's amazing to see her strength in action.


Maybe we can also discuss about Megan in the pool. And hope this story doesn't end on chapter 6


I really, really like this series, I really do. I don't want Megan to be super tall. We already have a TON of other amazonian women who are over seven feet. Nothing wrong with that, but I would like some diversity. We already have John's sister who's super tall and fills that fantasy, I think, and Megan was initially super short (like 5 feet exactly, right?) I just think it would be fun and interesting if she got taller, sure, but remained realistically tall for a woman, but insanely muscular. I really like how she's growing right now, and would love to see her grow larger, and stronger, but not much taller. Just my opinion ofc.


I'm an outlier in this community, but I much prefer slow, subtle growth resulting in realistic (if impressive) proportions, as opposed to ginormous hypermuscular giantesses and mini-giantesses with veins and tendons popping out everywhere. But I'm aware that's not that interesting to most members of this community. *sigh*


I'm so delighted that I can see her more. I would like that she gets more muscular and taller. But, I know There are a lot of your patreons that don't want this. So, I hope you compromise between them and me well. Additionally, I hope you never change Megan's face. I really really love her magnificent face. I'm expecting to next chapter. Have a nice day!


I agree entirely with Valentimus, she needs to get taller, up to about 8 foot preferably. That growth doesn't have to happen exclusively in this next chapter though. Also, I would ask that you dont focus too much on feats of strength, they can get boring pretty quickly. It would be much more exciting to focus more on other peoples reaction to her, she has become uniquely powerful human, people should recognise and be in awe of that! Also, you are great at sex scenes! Another one featuring her growing taller would be amazing for this next chapter. Finally, reveal her weight in this chapter please!


I would also prefer her to be taller. She was expected to be taller than John's sister. I also would like to see that. Variety is nice, but place safe that for another comic and not this one.


Can you send me some examples of the what you enjoy? I'm always looking for ideas for new work. And nothing stops me from doing a comic like that. Thank you for comment man!!!


Amazing Work so far!!! 1. Please make her taller along with muscle growth. I agree with Jim. Slowly and subtly like so far. She needs to grow taller so the muscle growth remains in proportion (and let's face it, we would love seeing her looking further and further down at John. ) 2. Continue with hair growth and making her subtly more beautiful and IN CONTROL. 3. This should be all about Meg and her evolution from awkward, cute girl with a crush to powerful goddess and John's (and possibly additional partners) constantly changing, deferential attitude towards her. I would love to watch her femdom gradually increase.

Benjamin Smith

I politely disagree with the above guys on the height factor. I like the fact we have both. Jane with the greater height, then Megan already having such MASS.


Sure! I really enjoy the Super N0x comic, and would probably enjoy it even more if Megan's growth were slower. For instance, if it took five or six chapters to get to her size at about image #18 of Chapter 3, with more images of her growth--close ups, comparison shots, different angles, etc.--that would be right in my wheelhouse. At image #18 of Chapter 3, she's about 5'8", right? That's a nice height. I wouldn't mind seeing her a few inches taller--maybe 5'10" or 5'11". But any more muscular than she is in that image and it starts getting less attractive to my tastes. Ultimately I think I just like a look that seems realistic and attainable, if ambitious. Another comic that comes to mind that I like is Tetsu's Home Gym. That comic has a nice pacing, and the growth hasn't gotten completely out of hand (yet).


Hi Benjamin, i had Megan Final Height determined before i start the comic, also i love to make a comic with normal height people, and i will probably will do some.


1 - She still in the middle of the process. 2 - Yes this is already planned too. 3 - This is a love story not a sex harem hahaha, very sorry man =D, at least for Megan. Femdom probably, in their terms. =D hum sex harem =D. homer drooling


She still in the middle of the process. Why would I change her face? Have you ever seen this kind of thing?


I understand your point of view, I have everything set from the beginning of the comic. And thank you very much for let me know that you are enjoying it!


I'm happy to go with whatever you decide, but Megan looks utterly fantastic as she is, in my opinion!