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Hey everyone,

I wanted to apologize for the drop in content lately. I've been dealing with some health issues, which I'm working through, and I’ve also needed to take on extra work outside of Patreon for financial reasons. Right now, Patreon is just a small part of my income, which has created a bit of a conflict with content creation.

Please know that I have no intention of stopping content creation. It’s a passion for me, and I’m doing everything I can to get back to the regular release schedule we had before these issues came up.

On a positive note, I’ve recently acquired a new suite for creating destruction effects and demonstrating strength. I’m really excited about this and believe it will enhance the quality of my comics and other work.

Currently, I’m working on Super N0x, and if all goes well, I plan to post updates today. This week, I’ll be focusing solely on content creation and hope to make up for the recent slowdown.

Thank you all so much for your continued support. It’s crucial for me to keep going, and I hope to eventually be able to spend more time creating content without having to split my focus.

Thanks again for everything!




I'm sorry for you. I hope there's nothing serious about you. Take the time you need. For money, I don't have a miracle solution. I even thought that boss was your main source of income. It's true, for me with the quality of your work. It seemed logical and normal to me. Shouldn't we make another cheaper subscription on top of this one? To encourage people to come see your content? But I think you should sell your templates to other content creators. It's true, when I see what's selling. Your creations have more than their place. You are among the best, honestly. Afterwards it's just my thought. The choice is yours. I wish you the best for your personal and professional life.


Hi Mouko, Thanks for your kind words. I’m doing well health-wise right now, everything is under control. As for the money situation, I’ve learned that it comes with hard work, haha, so that’s just how it is. No miracle solutions, as you said. Regarding your suggestion, I might bring back the $5 tier and possibly add a higher one for those who want to provide more substantial support. Maybe offering a range of options could help a bit. I totally understand that the reason I haven’t seen much success (and I’m really grateful to everyone here) is because I create content slowly. I’ve kind of hit a wall with engagement. I see other artists producing tons of content, so I get the comparison with my slower pace, more content more value. About selling templates, I assume you mean my sculptures. I’ve had offers from other content creators, but to be honest, I’m worried that if I go down that route, I might lose my unique edge, and the models could quickly end up being pirated. That would hurt my comics, renders, and 3D models. I could be wrong, but seeing how my comics have been widely shared, with some links getting half a million downloads while my Gumroad has less than 100 sales, makes me wary. Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant, haha, that wasn’t my intention.

Angelo Brewster

Don't worry I understand, it's OK I can wait. your health and income is more important. Take a break to get healthier and I hope you managed to get extra work. ❤


Hey Angelo, thank you, man! I enjoy making the comics, it’s kind of relaxing! And I’m doing well enough.


I do hope that you manage to pull through and get better soon. And you shouldn't fret over any delay. You should focus on taking care of yourself first.


Hi Red! Thank you very much for your concern and kind words! Rest assured that I am taking care of myself, and at the same time, I really want to get back to creating with more freedom!