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Hello folks! Today I would like to introduce you to the last character I've created for my comic so far.

This is Mrs. Cila - Cila is an old lady whose job involves taking care of the town's garden. She is your typical sweet, loving grandmother, but she always knows how to ground her "grandkids" whenever she deems it necessary. She is entirely against violence in any form, and she loves seeing people being friendly and helping one another. She uses her position as the garden housekeeper to help and teach people who need guidance or support. She doesn't have any grandkids or even children of her own, but she talks and loves the plants she takes care of as if they were her own. Because of this, some people may think she is lonely, but Cila believes that every living thing has a soul, so she never feels lonely among her green family.

So...are you ready for the first pages, already? I'm almost finished with the first 5 pages, and I'll be sharing them here asap :3

You can hear Cila's track by downloading the video attached below. And if you want to hear all of the tracks, you can listen to the whole album on Swow's Spotify page:

Update: since the spotify link is down, try it trough Mega: https://mega.nz/folder/3503SQrC#3WiXnPyvgaIq5HHHsGYQ7w



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