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Hello, my dear supporters! Today, I would like to introduce one of my most lovely creations for the new comic I am working on.

Mila is a twenty-year-old Siamese cat who is a total bookworm. Her favorite places in the entire world are libraries, where she loves to devour fantasy and wizardry novels. She has a heart of gold and is very reclusive, only sharing her problems to the people she trusts the most. She is a little shy despite her welcoming appearance, and despite being introverted, she is intimated by crowded places, as well as places where she can stand out. Affectionate and gentle - this feline will delight anyone who passes her by.

You can hear Mila's track by downloading the video attached below.  And if you want to hear all of the tracks already, you can listen to the  whole album on Swow's Spotify page:

Update: since the spotify link is down, try it trough Mega: https://mega.nz/folder/3503SQrC#3WiXnPyvgaIq5HHHsGYQ7w



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