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Good morning, my dear supporters!

I'm here today to share some great news and updates about our page with you.

We've been on this journey of creating comics together for quite some time now. It's been almost four years! And in these four years, many things have happened. I've produced two comics, numerous commissions, and my project called Dirty Paws! which is a dream of mine, a story I've always wanted to tell. Also, during these years, I fell ill, developed bursitis, and thanks to your support, I had the structure to finance my treatment.

With that in mind, I ask you... Have you noticed any decline in my work? I believe not, right? I always strive to improve, and I believe I'm always moving in that direction.

Well, during my recovery, I trained an assistant to work with me, so I could maintain a healthy production pace without compromising my health. She has been working with me for a few months now as a colorist and inker. In other words, she receives the sketches for my pages (only the SFW ones, I continue to do 100% of the NSFW ones alone), does the line art and coloring, and then I receive the page back to do the shading and other finishing touches. I bet you didn't even notice, did you? She does great work!

And why am I telling you all this?

Because she used to work as a freelancer for me, receiving payment per page done, and recently, we decided to enter into a partnership agreement where she will receive a percentage of all profits based on the comic in exchange for her services as a colorist and inker. And who is this artist? Out of respect for her request, she wishes to remain anonymous because unfortunately, the association of her name with NSFW comics could potentially harm her professional life in the art industry. (It's important to note that she only works on the comics, commissions, and other products I continue to do on my own.)

In reality, I've never worked alone. I've always had friends helping me. And today, I'm very happy to announce that our team is growing!

I believe we've never officially introduced ourselves to you! Well, here we are:

Theo Young - Main Artist/Director
Anon - Colorist/Inker
Hiroshi Sakamoto - Social Media/Distribution
Firo Peregrini - Translation and Adaptation to English/Script Review PT-BR

And Where Does this Lead? Updates on Pledge Values and new Benefits!

This will result in a slight increase of $2 in the tiers.

So, the $1 tier will be deleted, a new tier will be created, and I will need to adjust the values of the other tiers. (At the end of this post, you'll find a step-by-step explanation of how to change your membership).

Here's a simplified explanation table:

Tier $1 -> Deleted.
Tier $3 -> no change
Tier $5 -> $7
Tier $10 -> $12
Tier $20 -> New Tier!

As for the benefits of the tiers:

  • Access to .psd files will be transferred from the $3 tier to the $7 tier. All other benefits will be preserved.

  • All tiers will receive a new benefit: exclusive NSFW comic pages! Some made from your suggestions and others from me.

  • Gradually, I've worked to expand the early access from 3 months to one year, and with this update, the early access of ONE YEAR for all new pages of Dirty Paws! and future comics I'll be producing is solidified.

  • And of course, more important than the growth of our team, I want to hear from you! What can I improve? I've prepared a form for you to send us your opinions and suggestions. Your participation is very important so we can improve. The survey is anonymous, so don't be shy, my dear puppy ;3

With much love, Theo Young.

Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmohz5hRqOA5AqWnEEskxy90TZqSFS4teus1gK-fyk66Us_Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

How do I update my Membership?

You'll need to manually change your tier before the end of the month, as I'll be deleting the old tiers on May 29th. Here's the step-by-step:

For desktop users:

    Locate and click on the creator under Memberships on the left navigation

    Click on the Membership tab on the creator’s page

    Scroll down and click on the Change tier button for the tier you’d like to switch to

    If the creator offers lower tiers that you’d like to switch to, click on the Show more tiers button and then click on the Change tier button

    Click on the Update button and enjoy the perks of your new tier!

For app users:

    Tap on the membership icon Membership in the top right corner of the screen, next to your profile picture

    A list of all your memberships in alphabetical order will populate on the screen

    Tap on the membership from this list to go to the full member view of the creator’s Patreon

    Tap on your current membership directly under the creator’s Patreon header

    Tap on Edit membership

    Tap on Change membership

    Tap the Join button for your new tier, and follow the prompts to make the switch

Patreon itself has a specific page for this process. If you have any doubts, you can find this process in more detail on this link here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-to-edit-your-membership




Some posts may appear as unavailable in these first few days after the update because I have to manually adjust the access permissions for each individual post, so it might take some time. But don't worry, within three days, it will be working correctly! ;3