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In retrospect, I do wish I had found a better way to get out of that hospital that wasn't straight to the ground from the third-story window. Ouch.

This episode had me genuinely frustrated and even a tad confused. Mostly because there's nothing I hate worse than a liar. So while there were a lot of funny parts, my experience was mostly face-palming at every blatant lie. Also, can we please get some backstory on their parents? With an episode like this, it has officially become necessary.

Comeon, DHX. The audience can handle it. Have faith in them. More Big Macintosh too, please. That would be nice.


A Buck to the Face - Where the Apple Lies

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck In retrospect, I do wish I had found a better way to get out of that hospital that wasn't straight to the ground from the third-story window. Ouch.


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