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On today's video, we discuss what it takes to be a good leader and introduce the basics of how to practice and balance the skills it takes to be a good leader.  With Thorax and Ember, I believe we're given a good lens of the two most common types of people to become leaders and the gaps in their respective leadership skills.  They also show how each others' styles can complement each other when put in practice together and ultimately benefit everyone.  

The one major thing I disagree with about the episode is how Spike, Twilight and Starlight handled the situation and how the episode focused more on his conflict of keeping his friends separated.  I would've liked a little bit better if Spike had to work harder himself to repair the trust he violated.  

But I can also understand that we might've been limited by the allotted run time.  Or perhaps I should keep in mind that this (as far as Thorax and Ember goes) is Spike's first offence, so a little leeway and forgiveness is warranted.  And also showing Thorax and Ember being forgiving leads by example being the bigger person in this situation.  

On the first draft of this video, I struggled to find the unique angle.  I've already written dozens of scripts about the importance of honesty.  Then I realized that the episode wasn't really about honesty.  It all flowed out pretty easily from there.  Be sure to let me know what you think.




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