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Today's lesson builds on a few lessons we've gone over before. From "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", "Scare Master" and "28 Pranks Later", we examine why it's important to keep your ego in check while making new friends and trying something new. I also talk about the potential consequences in surrounding yourself with the wrong type of person and trying to manipulate others around you.

Be sure to let me know what you think.


Moral of the Story - Dungeons and Discords

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck Greetings, Today's lesson builds on a few lessons we've gone over before. From "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", "Scare Master" and "28 Pranks Later", we examine why it's important to keep your ego in check while making new friends and trying something new.


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