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At the request of this ask, Brawny and Silver Quill subjugate themselves to unspeakable terrors to determine which is the tougher of the two.

Featuring DJ Skywalker

Now for the important questions.  Since this was a contest to decide who was the tougher of the two, who won?  If a rule is for someone to forfeit by saying “uncle” that would go in favor of Brawny.  But since he tricked Silver Quill into saying the word, does that mean Brawny was at his physical limit?  Was Silver Quill ready to keep going?  Or is it Brawny’s cunning under pressure which makes him the toughest?

In this essay…

Credit to Silver Quill for coming up with this comic’s premise.

Vectors by:

ChainChomp2, Liamwhite1, Chezne, DashieSparkle, Luckreza8, MLPVectors203, Smilymammoth, LimeDreaming, CloudshadeZer0, BonesWolbach

(All Deviantart)


Ask Brawny and Friends

At the request of this ask, Brawny and Silver Quill subjugate themselves to unspeakable terrors to determine which is the tougher of the two. Featuring @djskywalkr Now for the important questions. ...


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