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I've heard of jealous rage before. Heck, I've even experienced it a couple of times. But I don't think I've ever been "banish someone to another dimension" jealous. I can't even comprehend that. ...I have, however, been jealous enough to flip a desk onto Evan's head. But all the same; Tree Hugger was definitely onto something about musical therapy. If you somehow don't know about the musicians I mentioned, please check them out. Under no circumstances should you combine Buddhist chanting and horse whinnies. As it would turn out, watching this episode with someone who happens to ship Fluttercord will completely alter your viewing experience. Whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of personal taste.


A Buck to the Face - Make New Friends But Keep Discord

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck http://grandbronygala.com I've heard of jealous rage before. Heck, I've even experienced it a couple of times. But I don't think I've ever been "banish someone to another dimension" jealous.


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