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I know, no updates from me for months, now suddenly a bunch. I should be taking a couple days to enjoy the holidays, yet here I am, a couple hours before the ball drops, getting a start on one of the watertight bulkheads.

This bulkhead is WTB O at Frame 111 Aft, one of the furthest aft bulkheads. I need to experiment with the process of making these things, and at the same time I'd like to soon work out features of the aft structure around the propeller shaft tunnels, so I might as well try with this one.

What you see here is the very early stages of the bulkhead as I figure out the layout of the plating, their boundaries and where they overlap and how. To use a cliché in the world of Titanic replicas: I am using Titanic's original blueprints for this. There are plans for every watertight bulkhead and bunker bulkhead, so it should be too difficult to make all of these as I eventually work my way through the lower levels of the structure.

Hopefully 2024 will see some really cool parts of the ship being brought to your screens!

Happy New Year!!!




Thank you and Happy New Year.


Here I am a few hours after New Year's Eve and enjoying your amazing work and update. Happy New Year!!