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As you can see by this slow trickle of early designs and pages, new comics from new artists are coming. But I do not want an unbalanced scheduled anymore, where maybe a Monday comic drops this week and none others, or a Wednesday and a Friday but no Monday, and so forth. So I'm waiting for each artist to complete the inks on the second pages before scheduling when the comics will start being published, giving them at least a full week, if not more, of breathing room to keep releasing these comics.

What's more, because all of the comics we'll be running will have brand new pencillers and inkers, I want to showcase how these pages will look. So the teasers for all of the page 1s will be posted to FurAffinity for now in their entirety, but at a very low resolution (only 1200 pixels tall), and the 600dpi versions will still be posted here. From page 2 on for all of these comics, only a small portion of the page will be posted as a teaser.

I am also working on extra comics in the background that won't be running live, that will serve to be backups for when a comic gets delayed or an artist ghosts again. That way, we'll always have a page ready to post ahead of time. That's the plan. Let's hope that this plan stays manageable.

What do you guys think of the new artists and plans moving forward?


Tristan Hankins

I think you've got well oiled, comic making machine here ;).