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Well, at least, that's what I hope will start rolling out.

Each of the comics going on with this project are still coming. Diogo has gotten the approval for the roughs for the final page of the NFTF comic. That should hopefully post next week, if everything goes well.

The next LuNoir Dinner's page's roughs has also been approved, just waiting on that to post.

And Anita Schlossinger's comic on Fridays should begin again when NFTF is done.

I have two artists working on three comics here and they've fallen behind. Real life does that, unfortunately. And I'm going to try to get them some cover so that they can try to get back on track.

I know, that's not fair to you guys who have been subscribed here. And I've run out of quality pencillers to send pages to work on because of real life interfering with things (one artist had to quit working on projects a while back due to college, so it'll be a couple of years more before I hear whether they will come back again).

And as I've told you, I went to post a job offer to hire on new artists.

Five artists applied properly, had the skills in their portfolios that I'm looking for, liked the notion of the project and their page rates fall in the budget for this project. Five artists.

So five new artists needed five new comic scripts to work on. So here's the plan.

I'm hoping that they all work out and can do one page per week. We're so far behind, I have to get them working on live pages with no backups. So if they fall behind, we're immediately falling behind on at least one tier here. For now.

However, and there's the best part: they're all doing just pencils and inks. I now have two colorists and still one letterer, and I just asked them how much bandwidth they have to work on the project.

That is, there will be hopefully at least five new pages per week happening across the project. Can they color and letter the pages in time to get these pages out regularly? Hoping to hear back.

The artists have also gotten four of the five scripts' opening pages to peruse. They'll know how long the comic is, what the characters look like, what the character(s) will become, and a few pages to see what the style of script writing I do will be like. I've asked them to reply what their preferred choices of comics to work on are, so that I can assign each of the five a comic to work on and get pages started right away.

But I said five... There are only three tiers here. Correct!

One Friday comic, "Bela Novak and the Battling Recruit."

One Wednesday comic, "An American Skullwolf in London." And no, it's not a rehash of the TF scene in AWiL. This one pays homage to the supernatural elements from that movie, but it is its own TF scene. I hope you guys like it.

One Monday comic, "Beach Party Inflatable." Our living inflatable dragon comic.

And we have a SubscribeStar, a female-oriented-transformation plus sexual elements. Right now. This comic is "Kelley Quinn's First Change." A new character who is cursed that during a full moon, she has an insatiable need to have sex with a guy, and during this she transforms into a completely new form, no two forms repeating. This is the first time we learn of her, her curse and she finds out what she really is. Light bondage, detailed transformation and sex, all good, I hope.

That's four. What's the fifth? I've long wanted to add on additional tiers on SubscribeStar for adult-oriented TF comics. This new tier will be.... male growth/vore comics. You can subscribe to either or both of these on SubscribeStar if you want to have female sex/TF comics and male growth/vore comics. This script I'm still writing and haven't sent yet to the artists.

Five comics. Plus the last of NFTF. More of LuNoir Dinner. More of Anita Schlossinger. Near the end of Yin and Yang. Returning someday to Sorority Girls and Devil.

If you like a wide array of high quality transformation comics from many different artists, stick with us here. We're trying to get back on schedule, and we're hoping to keep a nice army of artists constantly working on pages.

Which... brings me to the final point. I have talked to an artist who is eager to work on a comic, but at a slow pace. There's no way I could get a page every week from this artist. Instead, they will be doing pages as they have free time. This is going to be a comic to be a backup to roll out when the Monday tier falls too far behind or a comic ends and I can fit it in. Why Monday? Because it's a sequel to Beast from Another World, one of our most popular comics on this project.

So many comics coming. So many comics in the works. Stick with us, support this Patreon and SubscribeStar, and let's fill the TF community with so many different TF comics that anyone who likes TFs will have at least one comic on the project's page to enjoy.

And if we get enough subscribers going again, I'll hire yet another artist... to do a new free comic!
