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I've heard from a couple of folks how disappointed they are that the Friday/Main Comic tier hasn't had an update in months. As am I. I haven't heard from the main artist who was working on the comic that went on hiatus, and now I'm not hearing from the artist who was working on the filler comic.

Mix this with the fact that this Patreon is only pulling in 1/3 of what it used to pull in, this is a struggle. If people do not want to continue paying for these tiers, I understand. I cannot continue to spend money on artists and not have artists send pages over and over. And I can't hire the artists who do perform regularly (like Carlos Eduardo Cunha or Leonel Walbr or Rodrigo Catraca) over and over since they are fairly pricey to begin with, while this Patreon brings in so little.

So that's the dilemma. I'm trying to get artists who are behind locked into giving me what they can so we can just get done with their comics, I can start selling them as downloads, and that money can be used to hire proven artists to get pages done. Or at least bring in enough money from other work so that I can start another comic with one of these artists beyond what they're already working on.

Everything is out of my hands, except the trying to earn more money to pour into this venture. I can only ensure that artists who have given me issues aren't used for live comics, only stockpiling pages to use once the entire comic has been completed.

That's the next plan. I have one of these happening in the background, trying to finish a comic due to how long the turnaround is per page, so when it starts posting there will be no gaps in when pages post.

If you still feel the need to unsubscribe after all of this, I understand. It's not fair to you to support a Patreon and for that support you receive no new posts. I'm still going to work to bring this Patreon back up to its high days, with scheduled pages ready for weeks at a time, but that might take a long time with how little it's bringing in right now.


Tristan Hankins

You've always been very open and forthcoming with communication, which is why I've continued to support you.


But it is also true that people are paying to receive new pages and the Friday-only tiers have not been getting any new pages for a few months. Mondays and Wednesdays are getting infrequent updates. So I understand people's frustrations. And thank you for the kind words, they are appreciated.