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Sorry guys. When I started this project, I wanted to make sure I managed everything well enough that I would only have to spend three or four days a week working on it. Hiring artists, managing their work, scheduling posts, maintaining the galleries, etc. I had some savings that I used after COVID-19 made it almost impossible to maintain a good job without a ton of stress.

Unfortunately, the project never got to the level that I had hoped for that I could focus on this and some side projects to bring in my primary income. It was a long shot dream, and I saw that it was just not going to happen in time before the savings dwindled.

So I took on a job that was supposed to pay the bills while this project paid the artists enough that I could continue getting high-quality comics created for this site. You guys, through your supporting dollars, would get the high-res pages well before anyone else got to see them as a thank you for injecting fresh new TF content into the fandom.

I've recruited several great artists to do their first-ever transformation content, and so far each one of them has been thrilled to do the work and always willing to take on new scripts when I need their style to match the TF needed.

As you guys have noticed, my quest to keep posts coming on time and every week went belly-up this year. I missed a few pages and had to delay many of them from the days they were supposed to be released. Two things caused this: either I worked too many hours and did not have the time to devote to managing the project, or I did not have enough money coming in to pay the artists on time and had to delay pages until I could pay the artists.

Last week I posted all three pages due that week. Unfortunately, all three were late. This was due to me not having enough time after my job to respond to artists and write more pages for scripts. Things got jammed up and it was 100% my time.

The same issue is hitting me again. I am working 50-60 hours a week at the day job lately and there's nothing I can do about this. I am severely delayed again this week. I'm trying to hire on a new artist again, write pages for the other two artists working on comics this week so they can proceed, get comics formatted for ComiXology and Lulu to upload, perform maintenance on past pages on Patreon and SubscribeStar, and update the website itself.

Pages will not be on time this week (you already noticed a lack of Monday comic, the car TF project), and the Wednesday Werewolf comic has not even been started yet.

I am dedicated to making this project work. It is not going anywhere. You guys patronize it with the understanding that I will provide one or three pages to you every week and I am slipping on this. But the only way to combat this is to get more subscribers staying on. So many people stop their subscriptions and about the same subscribe again. There are a few month-hoppers as I expected as well. So as of now, these delays will continue to happen until I can just get enough time to slam a few scripts and get artists going on future comics so I can go back to having pages scheduled weeks in advance.

This will be costly and will take most of my free time to get done. Unless the subscriber count gets into the mid-three-figures, that's how it will have to be to make sure future pages are not delayed any longer.

Sorry guys. I am deeply upset at myself for having to write another one of these because I am overloaded by something that isn't part of this project in the first place. I understand if you wish to stop patronizing this project due to the delays. But if you stay around, you will start to see more and more amazing transformation comics and more before anyone else can enjoy them.

Feel free to comment, even if it's negative. I want to know what you guys think so that I can try to pay attention to those concerns, too, if possible.


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