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So I reside in Central Texas. If you've not been following the news, most of Texas had severe problems with water and electricity because our government is run by incompetent people and most of our state is on its own independent power grid to avoid federal regulations. Unfortunately, most of that independent grid failed because it was not properly winterized, and most of the water pipes are not run deep enough to avoid sustained cold weather effectively.

I've dealt with five days of rolling blackouts (1.5 - 3 hour blackouts every 3 - 5 hours, completely random) and now am dealing with a boil water alert due to a lack of drinkable water in the area.

Our stores are unable to get deliveries because many gas stations have not had enough gasoline and diesel to power trucks and delivery vans, so now there's constantly a run on everything at stores.

Today is the first day I've had since Sunday that I've been able to stay online and try to get some work done. I'm trying to get more content going for you guys, but this week has put me further behind. It's hard to write when you can't properly use a computer or have no light source.

I've also been unable to get any hours at the regular job that helps keep this place running. I'll have to burn through my vacation time to make sure I still get a paycheck.

So how's life for you guys?



Well, uh...not as bad as all that. But at least you got your health, right? :D