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Thank you guys for sticking around for another month. I have been working as hard as I can to get scripts and onboard more artists, but it has been difficult to find artists willing to work within the current price constraints.

We have a new consortium coming on board for the car TF comic, and I will be rotating Leonel Walbr to work on the next werewolf comic for Wednesdays after the current one ends. Rodrigo Catraca has been working hard on the next chapter of the Daniel Reyez saga. All in all, things are coming along, just not as quickly in some regards as I had hoped.

So now a poll. I'm trying to see the types of artists that you guys enjoy the most, so there will be three polls in all. This poll is for your favorite artist of ours so far, the one you would love to see more comics from. The next two are for your second favorite and third favorite (more details on those polls in their descriptions).


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