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I'm still very behind. This week's pages will be late due to my mistakes. You guys have been supportive and patient, and for that I'm grateful.

Please comment with what reasonable gesture I can make to you subscribers for these constant delays until I can get everything back under control.



Speaking just for me, I don't feel like you need to do anything. Life happens. Things get fouled up. It's not like everything in the world isn't all bamjaxed anyway. You'll get back on schedule, and things will be fine.

Jay Man

You can post the old comics you used to have on the website. I’ve been waiting on that Tg one for the longest lol

Tristan Hankins

I don't think you need to do anything, though I was wondering when "Anita Schlossinger and the Protection Racket" and "Trolling For Real" would be available for purchase on the website?


hmmm something mtf related? That's all :D