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People have voiced their concerns about the subject matter here. Nowhere was this Patreon account advertised as simply a place to get female werewolf transformation comics. That was just the first major comic of the LycanthropeLand shared universe that got posted.

But I heard from plenty of people that they want to see women werewolves. So that's what's going to be happening after Mary Stewart 2 ends.

Fridays will continue to be the LycanthropeLand shared universe comics. The current four major characters (Mary Stewart, Bela Novak, Anita Schlossinger and Daniel Reyez) will be the featured characters in these comics, with Daniel getting another turn after we see Bela's change and origin story complete.

Mondays will become the unrelated, random comic day. Any type of transformation can happen with these comics, including werewolves. However, due to the last poll I ran on this concept, the next comic will be a female car transformation comic.

Then Wednesdays until otherwise dictated will be Werewolf Wednesday. Mostly women (I have no plans on a male werewolf comic yet) will be featured wolfing out in 12+ page comics on Wednesdays.

The shared universe will continue with only one comic per week for now, while people who enjoy more than just the normal transformation get their random TF comics on Mondays, and those who came here for the werewolves will get their fixes on Wednesdays.

And if this Patreon can reach the higher milestones for monthly income, we will introduce more comic days every week!

For now, I've been writing more scripts and sending them out to the artists. I will push to get things back on track and have pages banked up (like I do with Bela Novak right now) so that I can schedule these pages in advance again and not miss any days ever again.

I hope.

Thank you for sticking with me this long and hopefully next week I can sort out the Dropbox links and get more downloadable comics posted to Lulu and ComiXology.

-- Lizardman



Personally fond of lizard/reptilian tfs and ftm tf but you do what you gotta do!