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A patron had some concerns on how detailed the model would be, so I asked the 3D artist to provide some additional information based on his concerns. This is her reply:

Blend shapes cannot change the amount of polygons (just think of this as the level of detail.) So say you wanted to add a bunch of detail to the dog nose so it felt accurate, you just can't.

That's why we bake all the details into displacement map. 

This image is her example of how the model and the model with displacement map implemented look.

Right now, we are waiting for an infusion of money that should happen later in September 2020 before moving forward with the animation. Those who have already paid toward this venture will be receiving links to Dropbox folders to get images and other items as they are ready to be shown.

If you still wish to help, visit this page:  http://www.lycanthropeland.com/animation-help-fund-mary-stewart.html 



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