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Written by Lizardman / Artwork by Carlos Eduardo Cunha

Since we are almost done with Mary Stewart's first change, it's time to show off what is coming next. We have four comics slated for the next round. And the Friday ($5/mo. tier) comic will not be Mary Stewart this time around.

Starting on July 24, 2020, the next round of comics will start:

Fridays: Bela Novak and the Eternal Evil (Art by Wexer)

Mondays: Mary Stewart and the Day After (Art by Carlos Eduardo Cunha)

Wednesdays: The Slipstreaming Diver (Art by Veronika Kaplun) / Trolling for Real (Art by Lentiay)

Yes, you may notice that Wednesdays will have two comics. This is due to the schedules of the artists involved. Also, comics will not have to conform to the 12-page limitation for the first three comics.

Trolling will be 4 pages. Diver will be 8. Evil will be 12. Day will be 16.

And as an extra bonus to the people subscribed at the $5/mo. tier: The first page for Bela Novak 1, Mary Stewart 2 and Slipstreaming Diver, the black-and-white version, will be available. All other pages will still only be available to the tiers as normal.

This means that those who are subscribed at the $5/mo. tier will get Novak page 1, Mary Stewart 2 page 1 and Slipstreaming Diver page 1, but after these three first pages, only be receiving the black-and-white version of the Novak pages for that comic's run. Also, the rest of the $10/$20 tier comics for July will still be only available to those tiers.

Please help get the word out if you want to find out what happens and continue up this premium transformation-themed comic Patreon. Share the links to the DeviantArt and FurAffinity accounts and the main Patreon page, please!

And if you want to know more about the other two comics, I'll post when the layouts for those pages are ready to go.

Hope to see you for the second round!



Allison Verde

Looking forward to more of Mrs. Stewart