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My bud Squirrel3D hooked me up with his model and I've been sitting on it for way too long. I really fussed over this piece, the hair and fluids in particular, but I think I finally got it to where I'm ok with it. And I learned a few things

Buuut, my preciousness means that Jessie will be delayed to next month, sorry about that. I hope everyone's had a great May and I want to say thank you again and always!




Squirrel3D is the best, these are amazing 👏


You WILL tell us everything you know! Or the torture (unending orgasms) will continue 😍


Still a great month even without my girl Jessie 😬


lol ty dude! I fell into a particle hair rabbit hole doing this Rey piece, but I learned a lot so hopefully I can add it much quicker going forward

Supreme Overlord Llama

Love the lighting. Blue represting the light side telling her she should stop this. Red being that she wants to give in and see where this goes. Hot!