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Whew. Looks like the cause of my frequent bsods was an external ssd, of all things. Of course, it was my primary blender drive. I managed to back everything up this weekend, luckily lol

SO back to work! I'm cleaning up a bunch of my .blends to share and I'll add a new tier people can sign up for to grab those with some additional info on what limitations to expect in them and a reminder to be aware that I do a ton of work in AE and PS to clean images up

I've also decided to do something with Jesse Faden so I'm giving you the homework of going to play Control, if you haven't already. You're welcome <3



Doing something with the “other” Jessie eh? 😬 Glad you were able to take care of your BSODs and backed up your data.


It's The Director's time to shine! Ye, it was relief that I was able to get everything