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Hello everyone. This is a month's end and since we only had a few side releases this month I'm here to give some details on what's being going on behind the scene.

Namely, in next couple of weeks we'll be making a release which is going to feature considerable revamp to combat debuffs, gear quality and enchantment system (including crafting GUI remake). After that (or at the same release) we'll be adding an actual travelling map, a feature long requested. It will replace current travelling system and make it slightly easier to use.

Some may recall this has all been in a September's roadmap, which we still are following to our capabilities even though the time frames proved to be more lengthy than anticipated. Besides that we have started working on Act 3 which will be taking place in a Dwarven kingdom.

Some of previously established characters take roles in it (Namely Jean and Hara will be involved in the main story).

Expected time of release for that is moved to January/February.

Lastly, I did collect some thoughts on future dungeon exploration part to make it more interesting so we'll be working on it during the third act development. Basically it will be a room choice mechanic which goal is to provide dungeon exploration a better feeling of an actual... exploration. Think a bit of darkest dungeon system. It will also likely feature some additional mechanics/resource management like number of time units which would be used to explore the rooms.

That's about all I wanted to talk about right now. As usual, thank you for your time and support and see you next month.



"After that (or at the same release) we'll be adding an actual travelling map, a feature long requested." Excellent! Long requested indeed. It was one of the things that really worked, gameplay wise, in the old system.


keep it up man C: love to see the development of this game over the years