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The story/quests update might take bit while, since I probably will be looking for new proofreaders. I also gonna need to make another poll to decide what resolution will be primarily used for sprites (right now we have both 600 and 1080 which makes things... complicated). So here's some stuff I've been having on my mind for some time. 

0.3.39a patch (replace data.pck in game's folder):




  • Slaves won't ask for degrading actions if they don't have Deviant trait to prevent stress hits
  • Slaves won't ask for sex requiring body parts you lacking
  • Monster girl type enemies has been buffed
  • Fixed Tisha's quest ending


  • Main quest storyline now provides gold rewards for delivering slaves
  • Repeatable quest rewards increased
  • Some repeatable quest requirements lowered
  • Buffed praising and gifting to provide more loyalty on right usage
  • Defeated slaves from player party will be sent to bed for 3 days instead of dying
  • Fixed sex action list in jail giving wrong options
  • Fixed footjob not being unlocked from fetish unlocks
  • Fixed couple of bugs related to Tisha's quest completion










Just a Genius

hey maverick, i was wondering if their are any plans to give unique body parts/features their own unique sex scenes, or at least alter already existing scenes to spice them up. you've done similar work with the tail job, hair job and ear sex options and i was hoping things like horns wings or height options might receive something similar in the future. also i have a bug where the text will say the characters hair color but not that its hair e.g.(as you came all over her face and brown...) and it wont say "hair" in any scenes.


Thanks for the report, I will fix that line. I was hoping to get someone who's better at English than me to fill up those parts somewhat, but I guess I'll have to do that anyway. Might not be now, since right now I have to write tons of text for quest lines, maybe after that I'll come up with something.

Just a Genius

great too hear. don't worry about rushing to get everything done at once, you should go at your own pace. also i found one other issue that keeps coming up. after I've maxed out a slaves affection and unlocked every scene. every now and then the slave will be unsatisfied and request more sex, but the weird part is that they'll request tail pegging despite my character having no tail. so i can accept and ill get a text box describing my character using my non-existent tail. for reference my character is an ordinary human. nothing fancy.


Tisha quest After paying for Tisha, not branding her, and having sex with her, clicking the “Offer Tisha work for you” result in Tisha being added to the Resident list. The final quest window doesn’t close and the “Offer Tisha work for you” button is still active. Clicking it again will add another Tisha to the Resident list. Clicking the “Not bother her” button does close the quest window and if the “Offer Tisha work for you” button has been pressed all of the Tishas are still in the Resident list, if not Tisha leaves as expected. Tisha’s unlocked sex options seemed OK except on one try vaginal sex was not unlocked.Either option leaves Emily’s Sex unlock button disabled. Error text in log window: SCRIPT ERROR: tishagornguild: Invalid get index ‘code’ (on base: “Referenc()’) At: res://files/scripts/events.gd:880 When opening the save that resulted in Tisha without vaginal sex unlocked and before starting on the quest sequence there was this Error text in the log window. SCRIPT ERROR: slave.unlocksexuals: Invalid get index ‘penetration’ (on base: ‘Dictionary’). At: res://globals.gd:706 Unrelated to these, when opening any old save, this message appears in the log: ERROR: Nonexistent signal: renamed At: core\object.ccp:1494 Possibly related to the sound track since the sound track was not playing.


seems like i cant unlock the main tisha event, what do i need to do ? make emily love me and stay? or ignore her and giver her food money later? or am i missing a location for an event to trigger


Her main quest will trigger after about two weeks after Emily returns back.


Praising a servant reduces affection to 2. Is this intended?


Seems to be a bug. Thanks for the report, will fix next update.


I like the new hotkeys for character tabs and destinations, but there is a problem: the main screen always "hears" those orders. So if I'm typing a nickname on a slave and hit "A" I go to the alchemy room, and if I hit "1" to click past a sex event, it tabs to the slave's stats.