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This is a transitional build with new sex unlocks (done by categories now) and option to breed slaves with other slaves (by unlocking Swing). It's not quite finished and any other partner besides you won't have scene description (so don't rush it if you are more interested in text, I'll be working on it next), orgies are also not there yet, even though you can unlock them already.

All in all, it's my attempt to make unlocks more organic and hopefully still feel natural. 

0.3.34 Patch (replace your data.pck in game folder):




  • Sexual actions now unlocked by categories
  • Slaves might start with unlocked petting, oral and classic categories 
  • Brothel related assignments won't unlock additional actions anymore
  • Slave selection popup will correctly reflect on selection state and disables
  • Improved laboratory selection and requirement showcase
  • Fixed brothel related jobs not taking into account unlocked sexual options when counting stress
  • Fixed Dolin quest
  • Fixed window update on removing prisoner from jail
  • Fixed custom portrait setting locked option behave wrong

0.3.32 version (in case you don't have full game yet):





This version breaks saves as expected.


Oh... yeah, due to different way to unlock actions there might be issues with pregened slaves. I'll see if I can make saves work around them better in next version.


Here are some other things I noticed EDITS 1. Combat results: MCName go for actionname Change to: MCName goes for actionname MCNamer combatresults Change to MCName’s combat results Bugs 1. Game loses track of what sexual organs are present. Female slave wants Handjob. Description assumes she has a penis. Slave wants male MC with no vagina to receive vaginal sex. 2. This maybe as intended but affection points sometimes drop from 50 to 1 in single turn. 3. Option to avoid receptive sex acts doesn’t work 4. Energy and Hit points are sometimes displayed as unrounded decimals.


Oldcityguy found the bugs I was gonna comment on, so I just have a question: How does cleaning work, really? Is it affected by Service or anything? How many residents can one person clean for? I haven't managed to figure any of this out for sure =/ Would appreciate an entry in the help section!


Roughly speaking, 1 person with no service can clean for ~5 average race people (monsters and beastkin require slightly more, short races - less). Yes, it is affected by service, master service will go just bit over doubling it. I'll try to explain it better in help section I suppose.