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 Thank you everyone for participating in last patreon poll! According to it, there's not much of a problems with difficulty, quests could use some improvement, and there's overwhelming demand for sex mechanics and scenes. 

Can't say I'm exactly enthusiastic about rewriting those (friendly reminder you can participate in writing all sort of stuff for the game), but so it goes. Once I'll employ daily events system, I'll switch to sex mechanics.

Couple of words about the daily event system and what will come with it... After some draft work I sketched a dozen of potential generic events and developed the system which will decide who gets what event. Well, it's not a big question _what_ event will slave get (just check their stats/job/etc), but _who_ should get it and _when_. Idea is pretty simple: global counter will be deciding if its a time for new event to popup (about every 2-6 days in general). Then every slave will have a personal counter to see how much attention you paying to them. Currently I believe that slaves you pay less attention will have greater chance to have event related to them, so they won't feel left out of the action. 

Many events will be directly influencing loyalty/obedience/stress while some will be affecting stats and few will even let you get new slaves. I did think about adding events of kind "Girl's relatives visit your mansion" but that requires me to implement whole different system I mentioned one time - relatives generation. I'm not sure if I'll be adding it this time (as it also requires additional changes to slave's class), as I'd probably try to add subtle genetics system to it (which would influence slave's appearance progression on growths). 

Other than that I wanted to finally work on reputation and combat parts with couple other small encounters, but since poll went different direction that will have to wait. Febuary is nearly over (what a short month...), so I want to thank everyone for your support and see you next month!




how do we write stuff for the game ?


You can check this post at my blog. <a href="http://strivefopower.blogspot.com/2016/12/semi-annually-help-seeking-post.html?zx=43fd61d9d7eac6b2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://strivefopower.blogspot.com/2016/12/semi-annually-help-seeking-post.html?zx=43fd61d9d7eac6b2</a> Currently I can accept nearly any sort of small writing be it quests, scenes or events.