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I'm taking a small break before getting to work on next pack of additions (although I'm still tracking bugs), so its a reasonable time to talk about what's been done.

So two first quests are out (with varying degree of stability) and I promised to talk a bit about it. Previously I mentioned that I planned to remove Emily, but couple of people mentioned their attachment so after some consideration I decided to flesh out her part bit more instead. Right now you can keep her multiple ways and even get her sister by one evil way, but I plan to add few more events with her sister.

When I was working at this quest, I actually had quite lot of possible ideas: for example let Tisha work for a limited time in attempt to earn Emily back, while you get the chance to bend them both to your will.. and at that point I realized this is just too much for current game. It would probably make a fairly interesting spinoff game where you would get multiple (non-generic) characters in various scenarios and you'd have to achieve something with them. Many custom interactions, reactions to items, spells jobs and so on... really lots of possibilities, but gameplay wise it would probably be whole different game, at the very least not sandbox'y at all. So for this moment I realized, that it would be too much of derailment and I settled for something way simpler - make choice = get girl or lose girl. Btw Emily has at least 3 different sequences for her quest depending on her loyalty and if you branded her, so there's some replay-ability too.

Cali's quest has been in drafts since strive one and most of my time (or at least most boring parts of it) I spent implementing it. It was done by one person who sadly left soon after (not without proposing few other valuable ideas). I've moderately modified it and I still have some ideas in mind to add bit more details to it.

I can't really judge how much of worth new quests are but will probably hold poll in couple of weeks when enough people will get chance to play through them. Thank you for your attention and support. Next time I'll talk about future plans and main focus.
