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So, unsurprisingly, after I got introduced to the new horizons, I realized new potential possibilities pretty soon. This time I wanna cover some of the future changes and stuff I have in plans. 

Even though main purpose right now it to transfer old strive to the new platform, it is actually nearly direct rework, so naturally instead of simply copying over everything I look for a ways to optimize stuff or change what wasn't so good previously. Probably, the biggest offender was a combat system. 

I can't really blame myself for what combat system was, as it was really done from nothing and I did with having absolutely no any experience. Idea was pretty solid - introduce easy to understand, yet not completely brainless ways to deal with combat interactions. The problem, which came up - it probably is TOO simple and also very reactive. Being reactive is not very fun though, so in the new version I wanna switch focus from being reactive. 

Firstly, there will be introduction of actual stats - strength, agility and magical affinity which will vary from slave to slave, with cap mainly based on the race. They would start pretty low and require training, but in the end they it shouldn't take too long to get some sort of competent fighter. After that stat Cap could be increased by lab modifications, maybe some obscure interactions and other stuff. These stats will affect main resources in combat - STR will affect health, AGI will affect energy which will be a resource for abilities and MAF will be mostly supporting/magic stat. Besides that, these 3 stats will play main role in determination of abilities your slaves would be able to learn. Abilities would have a type which will decide which stat gonna affect certain ability in the most, so in other words there will likely be different builds, be it high health, or high energy with related skills shaping your combat style. In my plans, though, to make energy vital, as without it you would not be able to escape, or use those awesome skills. Enemy energy will also likely affect their chance of escape, to be captured, use skills and so on. Naturally, there are plans to make it being affected by your actions and abilities, but overall, instead of hitting 'continue' button as you do now, you will have to be more proactive instead and make your moves in first place, instead of counteracting enemy skills with 'defend' option.

Another thing I have on my mind and really wanna push out - origins, which will also party tied with traits. Origin is basically slave's past/childhood which will permanently affect their character and behavior. I quite enjoy the idea, as that will give plenty of additional depth and a lot of interesting pieces can make it in. Being raised at the farm, orphan, bullied, wild child is just stuff from top of my head which could make very distinctive stats and traits. 

Speaking of traits, the most obvious solution now, that I'm not bounded by axma's limitations, is to make all possible traits a same class and remove any limitations on them. They still could be categorized like 'deviant', 'sexual related', 'social related' etc, so they could be affected by some specific actions/items, + would require some additional checks for traits which are opposite (dom/sub, fickle/monogamous kind of stuff). The sad part though, is that it gonna take quite bit of time to plan and introduce it into the game, but that is still a very important part of the game. 

Thanks for reading. If you have any suggestions, you know what to do. :)


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