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  • Fully implemented Aire's new sidequest
  • Added a couple new recruitable characters


  • Growth factor is no longer tied to race and has higher cost now
  • Rebalanced time system: Now day has 4 turns instead of 24 hours
  • Many social skills had their duration and cooldown revamped
  • Rebalanced craft and upgrade time for most items and upgrades
  • Rebalanced travel time
  • Dating and sex now has certain amount of charges based on charm/sex factors of master and recharged every 7 days
  • Dating for single character can only be perfomed once a day (does not prevent dating other characters if you still have charges)
  • Autosave is triggered every 5 days instead of 1
  • Buffed boss hp
  • Rebalanced some of the combat skills: most single target damage skills buffed while AoE nerfed
  • Further reduced obedience gain
  • Flight can be learned by any character with wings (except for harpy) and is no longer obtained from valkyrie class
  • Further reduced default obedience gain from skills
  • Fixed Aire's recruitment option if she was missed during civil arc questline
  • Fixed multiple event related bugs and mistypes
  • Fixed some instances when locations broken returning characters on deletion


Long Tran

Nice! Been waiting for the update! Thnx for the hard work!


Just came into this for the first time after going through Strive for Power. I love how different this one feels with all the classes and abilities. Excellent game/update

Nathan Phoenix

Growth factor higher cost? Is it upgradeable now or does that mean when purchasing a slave


A suggestion, if I may, that I think would make things much less hassle when making characters (MC and NPC's both), at least for me: On the same page where one sets hair color etc - also let one choose character picture. That way, one can choose race, then find an appropriate picture, then write in the stats (height, hair color, eye color, hair style etc etc) so it fits with said picture. It's such an annoyance to start a game, then realise you've made some silly mistake that can't actually be fixed in-game, and have to make the same game again.

Frog Sort

Bug: Triggering the Gryphon Cave in the Gryphon Quest didn't work properly (wound up with a 'default' dungeon). I was able to hack it together by moving code around inside the dictionary.

Frog Sort

Feature Request: "Bounties" - someone wrongs a guild, and gets a bounty placed on their head. You get a notice-board quest to capture them. This results in a bandit-like quest to capture that person.

Frog Sort

Nitpick: the game uses "blond" to describe people with yellow hair, but the generally preferred term for females with yellow hair is "blonde". Overall, really excited to see this game develop!