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There's a lot of stuff I still want to do with the game, but I always have to make choice what will get to the next version and what will be left for later. I'll say, that side quests won't really go far until some time. Reason for that is, that they need considerable amount of work, and I don't really have time to spare until more standard content is there. Plus I really planning get more out of them than 'take thing A to place B', which may not seem like much in terms of gameplay though, but idea is what matters to me.

As I mentioned in previous post, I also planning to add leveling system in the game. I feel this is pretty important for progression feeling, plus right now you can only technically affect girl's skills which is somewhat lackluster. I see two ways of doing this

1. Expanded skill system - with levels girl get skillpoints which can be used to learn basic skills. Nothing else really changes.

2. Classical - More variable stats like health, clear hit/dodge chance, damage and so on. Basically what has been done in nearly every rpg game you can think of plus level to skill system from the above.

This is a bit trickier, than it looks. Basically I'll have to decide if I want to focus on management (and go for simple combat) or on RPG-exploration parts. Eventually I'll make a poll, for now, though I'll see what other stuff I could work on.

Few people contacted me and offered their help with writing, some even kept responding, so hopefully we'll see actual flavor scenes in future versions, there's lots of work to be done in that direction though.


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